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Gangs and our Society.
Gangs and our Society On any given day, you can pick up a newspaper or turn on a television and find something about gang violence. A Los Angeles deaf girl was shot to death while signing to a friend. Police say that she was shot because a gang member thought she was giving gang signs. In Illinois a 20-year-old man was shot while getting his baby daughter out of his car. A teenager was reported
the adults, we must create a safe environment for children of this generation to grow up in. . Work Cited Groebel Dr Jo of Utrecht University, http://www.ppu.org.uk/chidren/media_survey1-e.html Kornblum, William "Sociology in a Changing World" Sixth Edition McNamara, Diane RN, MS University Hospital Denver, CO http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?action=openPageViewer&docId=95868521 Wilson, William Julius http://www.uic.edu/orgs/kbc/Archives/Guggenheim/Gug.htm