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Gold Creek Canyon- about the mountains of CAlifornia. MAinly observations.
At approximately 12:30 PM on November 15, 2003 we arrived as a class to Gold Creek Canyon. Just off the 118 freeway one can find a protected part of land that provides a habitat for many species of plants and animals. It is just minutes away from the gridlock traffic of the 405 and the 101 freeway. As we took the route toward this sanctuary, we began to see horse ranches and mountainous regions. These mountain first appeared to be in
was moving up and over the mountains towards the low pressure. The cold dry wind had dried my hands and chapped my lips. There were cumulonimbus clouds which was a sign of rain to come. Since it is November most animals were most likely hibernating. The only animals I saw were a couple of birds. This field trip was definitely educational. A hands on experience was more helpful in putting what we learned in perspective.