Essay database with free papers will provide you with original and creative ideas.
HUGS not DRUGS an essay about types of drug use and abuse
Drugs are bad, or at least that's what they say. I wouldn't now I've never had any drugs... this of course this is not true. I take drugs all the time, truth is, we all do. America is the drug capital of the world; we Americans take them 24/7. They consume are lives, make, or break our lives. It's over a one hundred billion dollar industry. Naturally these are the good kind of drugs I'm talking
entire class devoted to drug prevention in a middle school environment. This class's curriculum should show other ways of having fun without abusing drugs. Hopefully drug abuse won't reach an even higher harder to solve level in the future. At one point in the history of China nearly everybody used and abused opium. By furthering our drug education we can be sure that an epidemic of that scale will never happen in the U.S.