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History of chemistry; what it is and what it does.
The History of Chemistry: Chemistry is an interesting subject that links the physical and biological sciences. It provides the fundamental understanding required for dealing with many of society's needs and problems. It is a critical problem in attempts to feed the world population, to find new sources of energy, to discover renewable substitutes for scarce materials, to improve health and conquer disease and to monitor and protect the environment. Research in chemistry will help future
beautiful house, make you feel better, make you feel worse, keep you warm, keep you safe, etc. Most people don't realize how lucky they are to have all of these things, but they should stop and think about what they use. Like, a toilet, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a computer, a keyboard, a mouse, a printer, and paper, etc. They are all everyday things that we all use and we should be extremely thankful for them.