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How Aquinas and Ockham relate and differ in Faith-Reason and The Problem of universals.
Final Exam Question # 4 Faith Reason: Aquinas worked out a highly articulated theory of theological reasoning. St. Bonaventure, an immediate precursor to Aquinas, had argued that no one could attain to truth unless he philosophizes in the light of faith. Aquinas held that our faith in eternal salvation shows that we have theological truths that exceed human reason. But he also claimed that one could attain truths about religious claims without faith, though such truths are
for nominalism is based on a principle of simplicity known as Ockham's razor: plurality is never to be posted without need. That is, do not postulate two realms of existence when one will do. The realist indeed posits three realms of existence: Individual objects, the independent attribute, which they have in common, and, our concepts of these. On Ockham's account there are only two: individual objects and, our concepts/ words about those objects. Natural Theology: