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How a medium sized company from Denmark expand their business to UK market.
1. Introduction Denmark is a snug and comfortable country, which is located in Northern Europe, islands in the Baltic Sea and the northern part of the Jutland peninsula bordering the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. His geography offers this country fertile marine Natural resource. Assumptions that a medium-sized company named MIB Industri A/S processes fish using hermetic technology in Copenhagen, Demark. The company sells mainly in Demark. It has had limited exporting experience, primarily
Kotler Philip (2000) Marketing Management, the Milleneum Edition, Prentice Hall of New Zealand. 2.<Tab/>Micheal E. Porter (1990) The competitive advantage of nations, The Macmillan Press, London 3.<Tab/>Andrew McCauley(1998), International Marketing, John Wiley & Sons, LTD 4.<Tab/>Economy of Denmark, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Denmark, Consulted on 2001 5.<Tab/>Journal of international marketing, the American Association, 11,2003