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How successful was Hitler between 1933-45 in solving the problems which brought him to power ?
Hitler was brought to power in 1933 because the German people were desperate for solutions to their political, economical and social problems. By his fall in 1945, he had solved many of the problems which had allowed him to come to power but when Germany surrendered to the allies and the country was divided, most of the problems resurfaced so the solutions were not long-term. After World War I, in the 1930's especially, the Great Depression hit
far worse in 1945 then before Hitler had come to power. However, if we consider the changes made by Hitler between 1933 and January 1945, we can affirm that he was successful in solving the problems that brought him to power because he was popular amongst the German people, had instaured one government with one party and a strong leader which executed decisions whether good or bad; unemployment was inexistent for real Germans and national status was reinstated.