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How to appropriatley manage a cattle farm.
Dairy Cow Management Maintaining an effective animal health program is an essential part of a successful dairy herd. Good feeding and breeding may not pay off if cattle are not kept in good health to get maximum production. Studies show that two out of three cows are culled from dairy herds for reasons other than low production. Losses in a 40 cow herd can amount to hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year. Economic losses
about to freshen need to be large enough to provide room to work when pulling calves or performing operations. In free stall barns, a separate "treatment area" is useful just off the parlor cow return alley. This area can be used to confine cows in heat, for artificial insemination, post-calving examination, or pregnancy diagnosis. This is an excellent place to have a wall-cabinet for storing equipment and medicine, especially if the treatment area is heated.