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Hypnotic Language and Its Power
Hypnotic Language and Its Power The Magic Carpet of Language While the material herein addresses hypnotic language, we must first understand that all communication invites the receiver into a trance. Trance, in this text, refers to a narrowing of awareness, attending to a small category of stimuli excluding all other stimuli that differ. Trance and hypnosis will be used interchangeably. Communication occurs through any one of the five senses alone or in combination. Consider the
The large amount of information gets reduced down to just a few pieces of large capacity luggage for the journey. It's sort of like taking dehydrated foods on a space flight. You can conserve room this way, ultimately taking more sustenance, then just re-hydrating the food for consumption when you feel ready. And of course you can choose what you most want and the sender of hypnotic language always trusts that you know, you know?