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I am here, even though you don't see me
This essay is about people putting a label on another individual and the effects it has on the person. The essay particulary focusus on a character from the movie, The Breakfast Club. It focuses on the nerd in the movie, Brian. It also tries to make the reader think about his/her role in the "labeling" game. i.e.-are you the mocker, or the mockee? I am Here, Even Though You Don't See Me
be a happier place. No one deserves to be purged because they are an unique individual that makes the world go round. After all, when it's all said and done, do you want to be remembered as the meanest cruelest, and heartless person they knew? Of course not, none one does. Just the same, people don't want to be remembered as the nerd or the geek with no friends and no important existence. Especially Brian.