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Info on the navel race between germeny and england.
Naval Race: Who: The Naval race was mainly between Germany and England. On the German side the German emperor Wilhelm II had a dream of being an imperial ruler. He set his sights on having an Empire to match that of the British. To do this he would need to have a large and powerful navy. In 1900 Wilhelm decided to put this dream into practice. He ordered the construction of several large and powerful boats.
of 526 feet long (160.1 meters) the Dreadnought had a crew of over 800 men. The design of the Dreadnought was so revolutionary that all similar warships were also called Dreadnoughts. The introduction of this new warship was what started arms race between Britain and Germany. By 1914 the British Navy had nineteen Dreadnoughts (thirteen under construction), compared with Germany's thirteen (seven under construction). Other fleets with Dreadnoughts at sea by 1914 were: United States (8), France (8), Japan (4), Austria-Hungary (2) and Italy (1).