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International Human Resource Management
To what extent should an organisation export its domestic HRM policies and practices to its international operations? Your answer should consider SIHRM in multi-domestic, multinational and global organisations in the context of cultural, political and economic influences "To what extent should an organisation export its domestic HRM policies and practices to its international operations?" The development of global strategies has been a topic of interest for some 40 years. Organizations can choose among the 3 basic approaches
Vol. 16, pp. 318-339 *<Tab/>Scullion, H., & Paauwe, J. (2004), "International Human Resource Management: Recent Developments in Theory and Empirical Research' in A. Harzing & J. Van Ruysseveldt (eds) International Human Resource Management, Sage publications, London, pp.65-88. *<Tab/>Schuler, R., Dowling, P., & De Cieri, H. (1993), "An integrative framework of strategic international human resource management", International Journal of Human Resource Mangement, Vol. 1, pp. 717-764