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Internationalization Process of Chinese Enterprises: Views from Multinational Operation of Chunlan Group
Abstract: Chinese enterprises face difficult task of internationalization after China joins WTO. Chunlan Group is at the front line in Multinational Operation. It adopts a series of characteristic global operation concepts such as localization of overseas operation, internationalization of human resource and expansion of kernel technology, etc, which established an internationalized Chunlan. Its success exerts great impact on the Internationalization Process of Chinese Enterprises. Key words: Chunlan, Multinational Operation, kernel technology The predecessor of Chunlan
can adapt to the economic globalization trend, try multinational operation and utilize all possible resources of the world economy to survive and develop on this competitive global market. Chunlan Group is at the front line of Multinational Operation and has achieved good results. Studying Chunlan's multinational operation could enlighten and benefit other Chinese companies to succeed in the world economy. This article discusses internationalization process of Chinese enterprises based on the analysis of Chunlan case.