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Is Social Class Still A Powerful Influence On Voting Behaviour? British Politics
In the British polity, the two main political parties have historically represented a social class. 'Class is the basis of British party politics; all else is embellishment and detail' (Pulzer, 1967). Labour were seen as the party of the working class, whilst the Conservative party were seen to represent the middle class. There has been a great deal of speculation as to whether this still holds to be true with increasing numbers of the electorate becoming
nore that numerous factors go into explaining how the electorate vote. Only when you consider the primacy and recency approaches to voting behaviour together can you obtain a clear picture of how the electorate votes. I believe that numerous factors can affect the result of an election, social class is still very important in the British system. The traditional view of the to main parties means they both command their core votes under most circumstances.