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Is Steve Irwin a Responsible Parent?
On January the second 2004 Steve Irwin carried out an act that was in his best judgement as an environmentalist, conservationist, Australian icon and passionate family man. Now it has everyone from the international media, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland and parenting groups dragging his name and reputation along with Australia's through the mud, all this for what could only be described as the beautiful act of a father teaching his son the family business. His
harmony with them. It seems to me that the sharks in the media trying to make a quick story and dollar are more threatening to Australia and its important issues like the economic future than some bloke just trying to teach his own son the family trade. Steve Irwin is a responsible parent. Sources: www.dfat.gov.au/aib/tourism.html www.ninemsn.com.au/aca "The Age" newspaper "Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course" feature film