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J. Gay-Williams: The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia.
William Gay's feeling about euthanasia is that the idea of Euthanasia is not the practice a lot but it is slowly gaining acceptance within our society. According to Cynics there is an increasing tendency to devalue human life, but William Gay don't believe this is the major factor. The acceptance of Euthanasia is much more likely to be the result of unthinking gentleness and showing kindness. He wants to show that euthanasia is wrong and
their dealings with patients less seriously ill. The result would be an overall decline in the quality of medical care. His arguments are all valid and they successfully present William's Gay opinion of abolishing Euthanasia. William Gay is not only presenting with some moral issues but also some practical issue regarding Euthanasia. I think if we see it carefully then we may realize that his arguments do make sense and can be supported by many.