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Lab Report: Determining Percent Yield in a Chemical Reaction
Purpose: To find out the percent yield of copper in the reaction between copper sulfate (CuSO4) and Iron (Fe). Materials: Balance 100-mL beaker 250-mL beaker Bunsen burner Copper sulfate crystals Glass stirring rod 100-mL graduated cylinder Iron filings Ring stand and ring Wire gauze Procedure: 1. Record mass of clean 100-mL beaker. 2. Add 8.0 grams of copper sulfate crystals to beaker. 3. Add 50.0 milliliters of distilled water to the crystals. 4. Put wire gauze on ring on ring stand,
copper<Tab/>2.54 g Percent yield of copper<Tab/>-17.32% Calculations: <Tab/>Actual yield of copper = 69.43 g - 67.33 g = 2.1 g Percent yield of copper = 2.1 g Cu - 2.54 g Cu <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> 2.54 g Cu Conclusion: The percent yield of copper is -17.32%.