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Legalisation of marijuana in Australia.
Marijuana is, and probably always will be, one of the most widely used and accepted illegal drugs across the globe. Recently, however, there has been a significant amount of attention given to debates arising over the legalization of the drug. It has been suggested that in comparison to those legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, marijuana is less harmful to the individual and society. Road fatalities occurring as direct results of substance abuse, along
Australia, La Trobe University. Drummer, O.H (2003) 'Drugs and Accident Risk in Fatally-Injured Drivers' http://raru.adelaide.edu.au/T95/paper/s16p6.html, accessed May 9th 2003 Thies, C. & Register, F (1993). 'Decriminalisation of Marijuana and the Demand for Alcohol, Marijuana and Cocaine.' Published in The Social Science Journal no.30 Saffer, H. & F. Chaloupka (1998). 'Demographic Differentials in the Demand for Alcohol and Illicit Drugs.' Working Paper No. 6432, National Bureau of Economic Research.