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Liposuction is defined as the removal of fat from deposits beneath the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube (called a cannula) with the assistance of a powerful vacuum. Liposuction can be accomplished either with the use of general anesthesia, or with heavy IV sedation, or totally by local anesthesia. This web site considers both the benefits and the potential dangers of local anesthesia and of systemic anesthesia. Tumescent Liposuction Tumescent liposuction refers to a
liposuction using the wet technique. Super Wet Technique Super Wet Technique also requires general anesthesia. The super wet technique requires the injection of a volume of dilute local anesthesia that is less than half the volume used for the tumescent technique. Surgical blood loss with the super wet technique is greater than the tumescent technique but significantly less than the wet technique. Approximately eight percent (8%) of the fluid removed by super wet liposuction is blood.