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Lucid Dreaming as a Therapeudic Tool?
The Flawed Belief of The American "Dream" The pursuit of complete "Happiness" and bliss is what The American Dream is made up of. A definite classification of the American Dream does not exist; anything that brings joy to an individual. Joy differs from one person to another due to individual preferences. Different backgrounds, childhood, environment, age, gender, and a countless number of other factors also have an effect on one's perception of The American Dream.
after being sent to a mental hospital for a year, his career choices will be strictly limited. <Tab/>The delusion of The American Dream is painfully evident in today's population. Through the extensive researched shown above, The American Dream only applies to conforming, white, upper-middle class, indifferent feeling, straight individuals. The quest for happiness is a great inspiration tool for the general public, but it certainly does not apply to everyone.