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It is not difficult to measure why the simplest form of financial service can make a significant difference to a poor family. Lacking these instruments, they remain trapped in a cycle of low financial returns and low incomes. With The supports of World Bank, the implement MFIs could become a positive force for alleviation of poverty. There is a need for alternative financial institutions. Many of the world's poor are farmers, shopkeepers, farmers, small commodity
or expand income generating activities of the poor. These small loans can also help raise investments by small farmers and stimulate the development of micro-enterprises. By helping poor families, and especially the women, micro-finance can contribute to income and asset generation of poor people, increase their household food security and become a positive force for alleviation of poverty. Reference: Lecture 14 Book 115, Economic Of Development Manfrad Zeller, 2001 Group-Based Financial Institutions for the Rural Poor in Bangladesh.