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Directed by P.T. Anderson, Magnolia, is a dynamic collage of multiple intertwined plots to form one central story of "coincidence, chance, human action, shared media, past history and divine intervention that builds to an unforgettable climax."(Synopsis, 1999) The characters and themes present in this film were derived from the lyrics of Aimee Mann, a contemporary artist who chooses to portray the rather grim side of the human experience. Using the poetic vision of Mrs.
poetic vision onto the big screen. Although a darkly based adaptation, a viewer will have to admit that Magnolia if not visually stunning is definitely emotionally captivating. Works Cited Anderson, P.T. (1999). Magnolia. New line studios. Mann, A. (1999). Build that wall. Magnolia: music from the motion picture. Warner Brothers. Mann, A. (1999). Momentum. Magnolia: music from the motion picture. Warner Brothers. Synopsis. (1999). Found on the World Wide Web at http://www.hollywood.com/movies/detail/movie/161629