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Marxist Media Theory.
Marxist Media Theory Daniel Chandler "XIntroduction "XBase and superstructure "XMedia as means of production "XIdeology "XMedia as amplifiers "XThe constitution of the subject "XDifferences within Marxism "XThe Frankfurt School "XAlthusser "XGramsci and hegemony "XStuart Hall "XLimitations of Marxist analysis "XStrengths of Marxist analysis "XReferences Introduction In Britain and Europe, neo-Marxist approaches were common amongst media theorists from the late '60s until around the early '80s, and Marxist influences, though less dominant, remain widespread.
Cultural Studies (Ed.): Culture, Media, Language. London: Hutchinson [important paper, though not initially an easy read] "XHall, Stuart (1982): 'The rediscovery of "ideology": return of the repressed in media studies'. In Gurevitch et al. (Eds.), op. cit. [a key article by Hall] "XHall, Stuart, C. Critcher, T. Jefferson, J. Clarke & B. Roberts (1978): Policing the Crisis. London: Macmillan "XLapsley, Robert & Michael Westlake (1988): Film Theory: An Introduction. Manchester: Manchester University Press (Chapter 1, 'Politics': pages 1-17 o