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Modern Welding Processes
Laser Welding: Introduction: Laser Beam Welding (LBW) is a modern welding process; it is a high energy beam process that continues to expand into modern industries and new applications because of its many advantages like deep weld penetration and minimizing heat inputs. The turn by the manufacturers to automate the welding processes has also caused to the expansion in using high technology like the use of laser and computers to improve the product quality through
the keyhole) must be carefully balanced to maintain the keyhole and weld pool stability, this technique is only suitable for mechanised welding. Although it can be used for positional welding, usually with current pulsing, it is normally applied in high speed welding of thicker sheet material (over 3 mm) in the flat position. When pipe welding, the slope-out of current and plasma gas flow must be carefully controlled to close the keyhole without leaving a hole.