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Multiculturalism In Canada: The benefits of a multicultural society.
Multiculturalism in Canada: The Benefits of a Multicultural Society Canada is a very interesting country, mainly due to its diversity. The weather in Canada can be both freezing and very hot. Some land is rocky and mountainous, while other places are composed of flat, rolling hills. And in Canada, you can find many different races, from Asian to Latin, African to Indian. Canada is the most multicultural country in the world, and a lot of
Employment and Immigration Canada (1987). Employment Equity Act, Regulations and Schedules. Ottawa. 3)Reitz, J.G. (1980). The survival of ethnic groups. Toronto: McGraw-Hill. 4)Samuda, Ronald J. (1984). Multiculturalism in Canada: Social and Educational Perspectives. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 5)Satzewich, Vic (1992). Deconstructing a Nation: Immigration, Multiculturalism and Racism in '90s Canada. Toronto: Fernwood Books. 6)Internet Site: Facts on Canada: Multiculturalism in Canada. http://www.communication.gc.ca/facts/multi_e.html, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2001.