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The similar characteristics between overweight and obese people often cause misinterpretation of their definitions. According to the Weight-Control Information Network (NIDDK), being overweight means having extra body mass as compared to defined weight standards while obesity refers to having an abnormally high ratio of fat to muscle. Mathematically, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) classifies obesity by using the Body Mass Index (BMI) chart, which calculates the ratio of weight (kg) over height squared (m2).
in the United States is almost at epidemic proportions. The solution, doctors say, is surprisingly simple." Better Homes and Gardens 81.3 (Mar. 2003):132 Postlewaite, Charlotte Cornell. "Preventing childhood obesity: states and school promote nutrition, exercise to keep kids healthy." State Government News 46.2 (Feb. 2003): 25 Rundle, Rhonda L. "Obesity Tops Smoking for Medical Costs." Wall Street Journal 27 Mar. 2002. Suszynski, Marie. "A weighty issue: Health insurers are helping policyholders lose weight to help trim claims costs." Food Review 103.1 (May 2002): 99