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One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich..reveiw
alexsander Solzhenitsyn's novel sander Solzhenitsyn's novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich chronicles one man's struggle for survival in a harsh Siberian labor camp. After World War II, many Russian men were put into Siberian prison camps under false charges. Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, imprisoned for alleged treason against the Soviet government, is one of these men. He is a strong man, determined to live out his sentence and to be free. The primary
ng proof of the struggle of survival for prisoners in communist countries. It illustrates the problems we all face in our everyday lives, especially cultural and religious conflict. I feel that it will open the eyes of all readers, around the world, to the horrendous conditions Stalin put these prisoners in. The novel not only consists of facts about Stalin's prisoner camps, but also a story of courage and hope, despite the conditions and odds.