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Operational Motivation Plan.
Introduction As more work becomes knowledge based requiring highly skilled workers, and as individuals understand that poor motivation is a lack of skilled leadership not a lack of desire within people, the command and control approach becomes obsolete (Jackson and Humble, 1994). In this paper, we shall define the role of organization, the role of the manager, and the specific incentive elements of the motivation plan to help leaders to motivate their followers. The Role of
themselves. After all, this is a win-win plan for both the organization and employees. Reference Appelbaum, Steven H., Glavas, William, St-Pierre, Normand (1998). Strategic organizational change: the role of leadership, learning, motivation and productivity. Management Decision, 36(5), 289-301. Jackson, David, and Humble, John (1994). Middle managers: New purpose, new directions. The Journal of Management Development, 13(3), 15. Robbins, Stephen, P. (2001). Organizational Behavior. Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing. Thomas, Lynn (1999). "Wow!"ing employees: The foundation to high profits. Rough Notes, 142(6), 84-85.