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Organizational Behavior: a discipline for discovery This paper is a support paper for Organizational Behavior. It outlines the benefits of the discipline.
Organizational Behavior: a discipline for discovery Ask a manager of 35, 25 or even 15 years ago what their Organization's Behavioral patterns were or how their employees felt about certain issues and you would probably be met with blank stares. Organizational Behavior (OB) was not a part of the business world in those days. The idea that a manager need only deal with the technical skills of it's employees while disregarding their own listening skills, communication skills and …
…changing, learning and adapting to different situations. OB will allow our organizations to change right along with the people that make it up.(Word count:1146) Works Cited Cohen, A. (2002). Survey says workers want balance. Sales and Marketing Management, 154(9), 13. Retrieved December 9, 2002 from EBSC Ohost database. Johnson, D. (2001). Climate control. Industrial Safety and Hygiene News, 35(9), 1-4. Retrieved December 9, 2002 from EBSC Ohost database. Robbins, S.P. (2001). Organizational behavior (Custom electronic text, University of Phoenix). Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.