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Paper on Cystic Fibrosis. Explains causes, cures and much more!
The earlier a diagnosis is made the better so that early treatment can slow the progression of lung damage caused by infection. Prenatal tests are available to determine if a baby will be born with cystic fibrosis. In newborns, blood tests indicating high levels of digestive enzymes suggest cystic fibrosis, but a certain diagnosis requires a sweat test to determine the amount of salt in the sweat. Sweat tests provide a valid diagnosis in babies
CFTR gene into the cells of patients with cystic fibrosis. Scientists hope that once inside the cells, healthy copies of the gene will manufacture functional CFTR protein, permitting the flow of chloride into and out of cells in affected organs and restoring healthy function. Just one of many new treatment strategies under investigation, such research provides the cystic fibrosis community--scientists, patients, and families--with hope that more-effective treatments and possibly a cure may soon be discovered