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Patriarchal Law.
Patriarchal Law is often mentioned but rarely do we understand what it is. The English term "patriarch" derives from the Greek 'patriarches', which is actually made of two words - 'pater' meaning "father" and 'arches' meaning "head" or "founder". A patriarch is "the head of a house - the founder or ruler of a tribe, family, or clan. Patriarchal Law is simply the name given to the law that governed all men from the time
when it comes to positions of power. References *Hazlehurst, K. M. (1996) Crime and Justice, Law Book Company, Sydney. *Lyons, E; Min, M; (2002) The Patriarchal Law, Apologetics Press, USA. *Morin, R. P. (1998) Female Corporate Lawyers, Cambridge University Press, Sydney. *Summer, U. (1998) Female Lawyers Content with Careers - Or are they? North-western University, USA. *Trei, L. (2002) Women Lawyers face obstacles in achieving equity, Stanford Press, USA. *Vogel, E. (2000) Female Judges Scored Lower, Review - Journal Capital Bureau.