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Petrified Forest, Written for a Freshman level Geography Class.
Petrified Forest National Park The Petrified Forests located in Arizona and has six forests of petrified wood in the park. Some of the "stone" wood is 6 foot around and 100 feet long (CD . 2002). One of the logs even forms a natural archway that looks like a bridge. There are many sources for learning about petrified wood. Some of the sources I found helpful were books, internet sources, and the encyclopedia all including information about Petrified Forest
the world can be. Work Cited Thybony, Scott. Canyon Country Parklands: Treasures of the Great Plateau. The National Geographic Society, 1993. Tidwell, William at al. " Petrified Forest National Park". The World Book Encyclopedia Vol. 23., Chicago: World Book Inc. , 1999. Petrified Forest National Park. "The Painted Desert". 2003.17 Mar. http://www.nps.gov/pefo/painteddesert.htm. Petrified Forest National Park. "Trees to Stone". 2003. 17 Mar. http://nps.gov.pefo/treestostone.htm. "Petrified Forest National Park." Encarta 2002. CD-ROM. Redmond, WA: Microsoft, 2002.