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Practical Report on human sexual reproduction.
BIOLOGY 2: PRACTICAL REPORT HUMAN SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Reproduction is the generation of new individuals of the same species. In asexual reproduction individuals are derived from one parent and no special reproductive structures are involved. The simplest form is fission, occurring mostly in unicellular organisms. Simple multicellular organisms, such as sponges and coelenterates, reproduce by budding where a new individual arises as an outgrowth (bud) from the parent. In fragmentation's, the individual breaks into two or more
Through examining the microscopic structure of the gamete producing organs I have improved my skills of identification and examination. From my research and reading in doing this assignment I can relate the structure of and organ to its function and I've added to my knowledge about reproduction in humans and other animals. Although the assignment gave me practice at drawing and interpreting graphical information I feel it did not improve my skills in this area.