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"Prognosticating the doom of the future" is base on the issues that the author of Salt Fish Girl, Larissa Lai tries to stress out.
Larissa Lai, born in California in 1967 is the author of this astonishing activist fiction- Salt Fish Girl, which brings out issues of guerilla tactics, worker exploitation, sensual relationships, and feminist politics. Although, these issues are happening throughout the world nowadays, they are not the ones that make this novel a powerful intimation. In this novel, the core conflicts are the morals and ethics of cloning and genetic manipulations. Lai intentionally smears historical and future narratives
potential of cloning becoming a common medical procedure is very high, mostly because of the demand for organ transplants. Economically, trade throughout the world is and will continue to be the driving force behind genetically modified foods and cloning. Countries and companies are craving to monopolize the economy and will use biotechnology to achieve these goals. However, the final decision still lies in our hands of whether to turn the earth into bliss or wasteland.