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Project Analysis Approach and Project Development Life Cycle Methodologies Process
The Corporate Mission and Vision The first component of the strategic management process is crafting the organization's mission statement which is a description or declaration of why a company is in operation, which provides the framework or context within which strategies are formulated. A mission statement typically has three main components: a statement of the company or organization which normally referred to as the mission or vision of the company. (Hill/Jones, Page 10) The mission
differentiation based on competitive advantage. Achieving a superior quality and innovation is integral to achieving superior responsiveness to customers. Other sources of enhanced responsiveness to customers are superior design, superior service, and superior after-sales service and support. All of these factors enhance responsiveness to customers and allow a company to differentiate itself from its less responsive competitors. REFERENCES Hill, Charles W. L./ Jones, Gareth R. Strategic Management - An Integrated Approach. Six Edition, (2004) Houghton Mifflin.