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Proper motivation: the key to an organization's success. Outlines a sample motivation plan for any organization. Discusses other motivational theories as well.
Proper Motivation: the key to an organization's success Motivation of our employees is one of the most important issues facing companies today. The need to instill our employees with motivation is becoming ever more important especially with the shift towards a more socially and culturally responsive workforce. So how does a company find out what motivates its employees? How do they provide a motivational plan that includes incentives both traditional (money) and nontraditional elements? What …
…in expanding the boundaries of performance. If the plan is used and changes made to fit each unique situation that may arise this motivational plan can provide many rewards and the organization will benefit. Proper motivation is the key to successful business. (Word Count: 1,823) Works Cited Robbins, S.P. (2001). Organizational behavior (Custom electronic text, University of Phoenix). Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing. Thomas, L. (1999, June), "Wow!"ing employees: the foundation to higher profits Rough Notes, 142(6), 84-86.