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Property and Ownership
Introduction This paper was developed to discuss the legal issues regarding property ownership, when the original owner has lost, misplaced, or abandoned that property. A particular focus will be to contrast the differences between the laws that regulate federal and private property. The specific concern of this paper, will be the case of the salvaged TBD-1 Devastator, a rare Navy aircraft recovered 20 miles off the coast of Florida, in 500 feet of water, and estimated to
us/statutes/C400-499/4470000547.HTM Norman-Eady, S. (2001) Abandoned Property, Retrieved Apr 12, 2004, from http://www.cga.state.ct.us/2001/rpt/olr/htm/2001-r-0491.htm National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, Retrieved 4/4/04 http://www.nationalregister.com/The Weekly Fisherman (2002) Abandoned or Lost: The Big Difference, Retrieved 4/4/04 from http://www.weeklyfirsherman.com/abandonedlost.htm Roach, Captain J Ashley, JAGC, U.S. Navy (ret), Shipwrecks: Reconciling Salvage, Retrieved April 12, 2004 http://prosea.org/articles-news/exploration/SHIPWRECKS_RECONCILING-SALVAGE.html