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"Public Enemy #1: Video Games and The Media" An argumentative essay about the effects of media and video games on today's violent American youth.
I turned on the TV the other day to the voice of a familiar "friend". The voice belonged to Dan Patrick, a regular anchor on ESPN's "Sportscenter". He was reporting the story of a Chicago man and his teenage son, who attacked Kansas City Royals first base coach Tim Gamboa on the field during a Cubs game earlier in the year. The two face criminal charges in the case for stabbing and fiercely beating the
with sniper rifles in manhunt Internet games. Gone are the days of goal-oriented games like Mario and Tetris. Today's youth want to be involved in something they can't do in real life, which is kill. It's a violent world, but it doesn't have to be infectious. We need to take more action to protect our nation's future. Video games and the media's violent influences must be halted, as we defend against this new public enemy.