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Reasons for wanting to be educated at Fort Street High School: Very helpful for students wantin to get into a selective school.
Fort Street High School has been providing opportunities for its students for over 150 years, and is a school where academic excellence has continued to be valued. Fine teachers can affect a student's future very significantly and the teachers at Fort Street High School are all dedicated and knowledgeable. All students have different potentials and talents and in a school such as Fort Street, this potential and talent is nurtured and developed to the maximum extend.
a great desire to learn as much as I can to further this appreciation. An institution such as Fort Street High School, with its experienced and dedicated teachers, will continue to ignite my passion for learning in general and for English in particular. I would also have the greatest pleasure in taking part in the school's co-curricular activities, and I wish to contribute something of worth in return to the school, furthering its distinguished reputation.