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Recruitment, censorship and propoganda in world war 1- in both britain and germany
Recruitment, Censorship and Propaganda were all used in conjunction with each other in order to get the public involved in the war. Posters and signs of propagandist material were initially used to recruit soldiers. In apprehension of the public becoming disheartened, censorship was inducted to confine overwhelming stories from the front. This was so that recruitment remained solid, as a result of an anxious need of soldiers to sever the stalemate and instigate a major
the propaganda and the regulatory bodies needed to control it, as opposed to their other European counterparts, namely, Britain. The British had realised the importance of this control, and soon found themselves designating the newspaper managers into the propaganda war. However, this didn't happen in Germany, as the exclusion of the middle class newspapers occurred as they were mainly Jewish newspapers. German propaganda was hence not as effective in influencing international opinion, as Britain was.