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Road rage
Road Rage I pull up to the stop sign, I look right then left. There is a car in the distance but there is plenty of time to pull out into the road. As I pull out, I notice the car that seemed to be far away has sped up and is now right on my bumper. I slam on my brakes to piss off the driver behind me. I can tell this infuriated him.
rage. So, next time you feel tension against another driver, back off and let the situation go. Better that than to get into a wreck or possibly shot because you got the wrong person. Bibliography Works cited 1. "N.Y. Governor proposing legislation to raise 'Road Rage' driving to felony level." Insurance Advocate, 3/24/2001. Vol. 112, Issue 12, p. 5. 2. "Driven to Insanity." Longton, Linda. Over Driven, Nov. 2000, Vol. 40, Issue 11, p. 34. 3. "Road to Ruin." People, 10/23/2000, Vol. 54, Issue 17, p.93. Word Count: 1120