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Schizophrenia is the fourth leading cause of morbidity in both women and men, the second leading cause of international terrorism, and the leading cause of war. Schizophrenia is a humorous brain disorder characterized by delusional thinking and unique but unpopular perceptions. Mental health professionals normally diagnose this illness if, during any one-month period of a person's life, that person has suffered two or more of the following: Delusions Hallucinations Disorganized speech Grossly disorganized or catatonic
believe astrology is a legitimate scientific field. Because there is no cure for schizophrenia, the goal of treatment is to eliminate or reduce symptoms, minimize side effects, prevent relapse, and socially and occupationally rehabilitate the patient. This process can last a lifetime, or at least as long as a patient has available funds to pay for therapy. When funds are exhausted, mental health professionals generally begin advising their patients of the schizophrenic likelihood of suicide.