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Setting Guidelines for the Meat Packing Industry.
Setting Guidelines for the Meat Packing Industry Americans consume large amounts of meat. Therefore, workers in the meat packing industry have to work fast and under pressure, which contributes to the industry being a dangerous place for its employees. The owners of the meat packing industry contend that in order to make a profit its production must be fast and believe that this can be done safely. In "Meatpacking Industry Hurts Workers," numerous statistics including
guidelines. These safety regulations need to be determined by OSHA rather than the employers, whose judgments are clouded by their profit motives. Works Cited "Meatpacking Industry hurts workers." Editorial. Charleston 21 July 2001: A4. LexisNexis. La Guardia Community College Lib., Long Island City, N.Y. 14 May 2003 <http://www.lexisnexis.com/>. Olsson, Karen. "The Shame of Meatpacking." The Nation 16 Sep. 2003: 11-6. Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York: Perennial, 2002.