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Smallpox Vaccination( This was a research project for a college science class).
Smallpox Vaccination <Tab/>Some scientists speculate that the smallpox virus may have made it's way to humans as early as 400 B.C. (Preston 54). Some even suggest that the young Pharaoh Ramses V may have died of the virus in 1157 B.C. (Preston 54). No one can really say for sure where the virus came from or when it was introduced, but because of the scientific research of Edward Jenner the world has
and Effects Of The Variole Vaccinae, or <Tab/>Cow-Pox." Harvard Classics Vol. 38. Ed. Charles W Eliot. G.P. Putnam's Sons <Tab/>1897. 153-191. Okonek Maybury A. Bonnie and Peters,Ph.D. M. Pamela. Access Excellence National Health MuseumClassic Collection. June 6th 2003. http://www.accessexcellence.org/AB/AEC/CC/vaccines_how_Why.html Preston, Richard. The Demon In The Freezer. New York: Random House, 2002. <Tab/>