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Somebody’s Watching You ! Can the internet really be private?
com/Content/News/Files/0,16,1051,00.html Barr, Christopher (1996, April 1). who's watching you, C/NET personalities [On-Line], Available: http://www.cnet.com/Content/Voices/Barr/040196/index.html Barr, Christopher (1996, April 15). paranoids unite, C/NET personalities [On-Line], Available: http://www.cnet.com/Content/Voices/Barr/041596/index.html Raskin, Robin (1996, April). Cyber Eyes are Watching. Family PC, 25-26. Whitmer, Clair (1996, March 5). Legislation loosens up on encryption, C/NET News [On-Line], Available: http://www.cnet.com/Content/News/Files/0,16,845,00.html