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Stress in the Workplace
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Statement of the Research Problem How do you cope with stress in the workplace to achieve a more balanced lifestyle? Stress is a part of everybody's life. Depending on the level of stress, it can control our lives, especially in the workplace. We begin to spend several long hours at work, and thus have less time for other things. Stressed employees may be unhappy and thus produce nominally. Stress can deteriorate social
to go someplace, either up or down.' (Tahmincioglu, 1995) Ed Simon, analyst with the Labor Department is concerned that the 'leaner, meaner' mentality will be a trend that continues with us for a while. He states that eventually the people working long hours may not be able to keep that pace up and that it might be to a company's benefit to train and bring in more workers (Tahmincioglu, 1995). Not only are the longer hou