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Sydney J Harris talks about how people changed during the last decade.
The author Sydney J Harris talks about how people changed during the last decade. Factors like Drugs/Alcohol, Music, and Sports help today's society in drowning themselves in a surreal world and lets them forget about problems they face in real life. The author argues that these factors among a few, lead people into isolation and work as opiates, dulling any senses of reality. Firstly Alcohol and Drugs both of which are highly addictive and
entertainment and is a topic of many conversations/arguments which isn't something that promotes isolation as the author observed. Lastly, to summarize it all we can observe as the author outlined that music, sports, drugs and alcohol are somewhat of factors that lead to isolation and is weakening our society, some may argue that its ones nature rather than nurture that promotes isolation and that these factors have an upside to every downside of them.