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The HDTV Debate
Synopsis Various aspects of High Definition Television (HDTV) and its introduction to Australians are discussed. The history of HDTV and the mixed reaction it has taken from various sectors of the Australian public are outlined. Some companies have invested heavily in this relatively new technology and are seeking returns. Others argue that the costs associated with purchasing and maintaining HDTV is not viable for a large portion of Australia's population. The benefits that are provided
by the majority that HDTV will eventually be of some effect in almost everyone's lifestyle. List of Sources (05/04/04) Found using Google Search "Digital Television" Phil Sandberg (05/04/04) Found using Google Search "Digital Television Argument" (05/04/04) Found using Google Search "Digital Television Argument" Don Groves, 2004, Pro Quest Research Library Database, Found using search "HDTV" (05/04/04) Jock Given, 1998, APAIS Informit Database, Found using search "HDTV" (05/04/04)