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The Intricate Art of Being... Joseph Conrad.
What Makes Joseph Conrad Tick? Do we really know all there is to know about him? We interviewed him to give the world a more accurate look at his life, his work and his complex personality. Here is our tribute to a man of brilliance... Conrad was born on December 3rd, 1857, by the name Jozef Teodor Konrad Korezeniowski at Berdicow in the Tsarist Russian occupied Poland. From there it was a bumpy ride along a
thread of life as though "to let go" was a sin. He was a man who did not simply live life instead he savoured and challenged life. This year alone he declined the offer of a knighthood and sadly just last month, not long after our interview with him, he did of a heart attack. He has been burried in Canterbury and will be greatly missed but his legend and his work will live forever.