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The Killing of the Unborn: this essay talks about the physical and emotional repercussions that a woman can encounter after having an abortion. it includes the works cited
It is a woman's most intimate and personal time when she finds herself pregnant. The test is positive, but the woman may not be positive about keeping the baby. She didn't feel ready or prepared for the major impact another life would bring her. Frantically, she finds herself trapped in a crisis in which she wants to be released from. Abortion seems so easy, so convenient, and so necessary. She must wrestle with her heart
answer now, but later on down the road, you may find that it was the wrong answer." ( Works Cited Mulier, Judy. "The Abortion is Long Over, but the Pain is Still There." Living World Magazine,1990 Pamphlet: Stalteenberge, Ann. Every Woman has a Right to Know the Dangers of Legal Abortion. New Jersey: Air Plus Enterprise, 1987 Christi's Choice. Director unknown. Videocassette. Life Dynamics Inc.,1996